Use Chinese as well as overseas donations and financial funds, innovative financial means, and strict management rules to provide small loans for women in poverty and improve their incomes.
To provide small loans for Chinese women in living in poverty and help them to lead respectable and self-confident lives.
Major Achievements
12th March 2010, Narada Foundation Outstanding Mature Social Cooperation Award
12th December 2012, First China Merchants Steamship Company (招商局慈善基金会) Poverty Alleviation Innovative Action Award
26th July 2011, Xiuping Qin, the secretary-general, was awarded First China Rural Financial Brand List Brand Innovation Figure Award
July 2011, The Keep Walking Fund (帝亚吉欧梦想助力计划奖)
24th February 2012, 2011-2012 Social Entrepreneur Skills Project Cooperation Contributing Society VC Award (社会企业家技能项目增爱社会企业创投奖)
Major Funders
Plan International China
Major Partners
China Merchants Steamship Company Charity Foundation (招商局慈善基金会), Youchange PuRong (北京友成普融信息咨询有限公司), Yixin Huimin Investment and Management (Beijing) Co. Ltd(宜信惠民投资管理(北京)有限公司), Shaanxi Women’s Foundation (陕西妇女基金会),China Development Bank (Shaanxi Branch), Hanzhong Women’s Federation, National Women and Children Foudation (全国妇女儿童基金会)
Our experiences of providing small loans demonstrate that we can combine poverty alleviation and development. We manage to fulfill the needs of people with low-incomes to the greatest extent possible by providing financial services and products that suit women’s financial conditions. Our work`s core lies in poverty alleviation and in improving vulnerable groups’ capacities.
Contact Details
Qin Xiuping
wechat: xixiangfnfzxh
No.1 Bei Hou Street, Xixiang County, Shaanxi PRC 723500