Promote decent working conditions and implement social justice.
To create opportunities for the future.
Major Projects
CSR consulting and ethical auditing
Study on labor rights and migrant workers
Smart growth for employees
Worker’s hotline
Sustainable solutions for social compliance and productivity
Major Achievements
2006 - 2011, Consultation for UN Secretary General on Business and Human Rights on mandate of Special Representative Prof. John Ruggie
December 2003, “Best Organization for Labor Rights Protection” Award issued by Southern Window Magazine (南方窗)
March 2005, “Best Case for China’s Sustainable Development” Award issued by Shell and Economic Observer Magazine (经济观察报)
Major Funders
Ford Foundation, Oxfam Hong Kong, UC Berkeley, World Bank
Major Partners
DEG, PROPARCO, Fuji Xerox, Burberry, Primark, The Body Shop
ICO comprises a think tank and an action group. Due to our professional expertise and independent status we are able to gain a thorough understanding of current trends within the labor market and of social movements as well as to carry out concrete actions. Most of our activities are conducted inside factories that are part of global supply chains.
Contact Details
Liu Kaiming
+86 755 8387 9219
Floor 2, Northwest, Building 2, Crown Technology Park, No.21, Terra Road 9, Chegongmiao, Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong PRC 518040