To promote ecological sustainability, social justice, himan rights and dialogue between all cultures in order to achieve a better future for humanity.
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (HBS) is one of six political foundations in Germany. It is associated with the German Green Party, but is legally independent and works in the spirit of intellectual openness.
The organization has its headquarters in Berlin and receives public funding to carry out civic education in Germany and promote mutual understanding between people and countries. Through 28 offices across the globe, Heinrich-B?ll-Stiftung provides a platform for international dialogue on questions around globalization and security, environment and social justice, democracy and the role of gender in society.
The organization is named after the German writer and Nobel Prize winner Heinrich Böll, whose promotion of citizens’ participation in politics is the model for the foundation's work.
In China, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung works in cooperation with the Chinese Association for NGO Cooperation (CANGO). We jointly carry out projects to strengthen civil society development in China and internationally. We also work with other civil society organisations, governmental departments and academic institutions to provide positive motivations for development and reform in China and for a better understanding between China and Germany.
In common with other foundations affiliated to political parties in Germany, the Heinrich Boll Foundation receives public funds allocated through the German Federal Ministry of Economic cooperation and Development.