Building an urban-rural collaborative network, promoting the development of fair trade, and creating ecologically civilized and sustainable livelihoods.
To adapt a community-based, comprehensive social work strategy, using the economy as an entry-point, to utilize professional methods and technologies such as social work cases, groups, communities, and research to encourage the integration of the “micro” (individuals, families, communities), and the “macro” (government policies and even global ecology governance).
2011 – Present, Shadong Street Family Comprehensive Service Center
Major Funders
Government Contracting Services, Foundations
Major Partners
Community Partners, Nurtureland (沃土工坊), 807 Slow Living (807慢生活馆)
Green farming upholds the spirit of being people-based, fair and righteous, and “helping those to help themselves.” We are committed to creating equality, inclusiveness, a respectful cultural atmosphere, the implementation of an open and transparent financial system, providing community services, and strictly holding a spirit of critical evaluation. Our work relies on an urban-rural cooperation, fair trade platform, and through carrying out projects with local residents such as boarding houses, village life experience tour, fair trade agricultural products, and fair trade shops, we aid these people in improving their livelihoods, thereby achieving sustainable development goals such as mutual aid, cultural heritage preservation, gender equality, and ecological conservation.