A world in which private corporations, government agencies, and the public sector collaborate to affect sustainable, positive changes in road safety policies and practices.
A world where individuals are empowered and educated to make intelligent decisions about their safety and security while traveling on their communities’ roads.
Our Work
Our work began in Vietnam in 1999, but has since expanded to communities around the globe. We currently work in Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, China, and Myanmar, and previously had programs in Tanzania and Uganda. We also actively participate in international advocacy efforts to urge world leaders to prioritize road safety efforts in development schemes.
We employ proven solutions to combat a global epidemic that kills and injures tens of millions each year. We have developed strategies and tactics for programs at the local, provincial, and national levels to improve road safety awareness and behaviors.
We are proud of our strong history of multi-sector collaboration.We implement programs and coordinate activities that engage public, private, and government stakeholders.
We have extensive knowledge and expertise about our program communities. We also partner with local nonprofits and companies to ensure that all of our programs are culturally appropriate and address the road safety needs of the target population.
Why is AIP Foundation unique?
AIP Foundation employs proven solutions to a global epidemic that kills more people each year than malaria worldwide. Through our experience in Vietnam, we have developed both grassroots and nationwide programs that target the key challenges to helmet use and traffic safety awareness.
With a strong history of multi-sector collaboration, AIP Foundation implements programs and heads initiatives that engage public, private, and government road safety stakeholders. This ensures complex and inclusive interventions that target several aspects of road safety at the same time.
We have extensive local knowledge and expertise, and partner with local NGOs and companies around the world to ensure that all of our programs are culturally appropriate and address the road safety needs of the population.