Four provinces issue registration credentials to overseas NGOs

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  • Four provinces issue registration credentials to overseas NGOs


Registration credentials being conferred to a foreign NGO in Jiangxi Province. 

In the past two weeks, Hubei, Jiangxi and Gansu provinces and the city of Tianjin have issued their first batches of registration credentials to overseas NGOs. These regions join Guangzhou, Yunnan and other areas that have already issued registration credentials to groups of international NGOs, following the Overseas NGO Law which was implemented in the beginning of 2017. As in the previous cases, the organizations that gained their credentials include a number of Chambers of Commerce and other trade-focused organizations.

The two NGOs that have been issued credentials by Hubei are the International Plant Nutrition Institute and the Cheonju Chamber of Commerce. The International Consulting and Resources Enterprise successfully registered in Gansu, while in Jiangxi the China International Fund Limited received its registration credentials. Tianjin issued credentials to the largest number of overseas NGOs, including POP’s Foundation, the American International Chamber of Commerce, the Kobe International Center for Cooperation and Communication, the All Japan Seamen’s Union, the International Silk Road Trade and Culture Association, World Vision and China Cable.

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