Sharp drop in NGO sponsorships from overseas

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  • Sharp drop in NGO sponsorships from overseas

On the afternoon of November 11th the Chinese Foundations Award Ceremony 2015 (中国基金会评价榜 2015), launched jointly by AIju Social Innovation (爱聚公益创新机构) and SRI (社会资源研究所), was  held in Beijing. During the award ceremony, it was revealed that based on the  feedback given by 195 NGOs, the number of overseas NGO sponsors has dropped from 98 in 2013 to 62 this year. According to experts working in the social welfare sector, the current uncertainty towards Chinese policy, due partly to the wait for the release of the Overseas NGO Management Law (the second draft), has affected the willingness of some overseas NGOs and foundations to work on projects in China.

According to the event’s hosts, NGO sponsorships from overseas decreased and became sluggish earlier and sharper than was expected. As the survey shows, the 195 NGOs and the 762 projects that were reviewed this year accepted funding of up to 127 million Yuan. On average, each NGO accepted funding of as much as 323,000 Yuan, and each project accepted as much as 167,000 Yuan. However, the fact is that only 20% of the NGOs receive almost 73% of the funding in total, while 50% of the NGOs get less than 100,000 Yuan a year. What’s more, while there is an increase in the number of reviewed NGOs, the funding from overseas sponsors has sharply dropped by up to 40%. The number of overseas foundations that has funded more than 5 NGOs has also decreased from 8 to 6 since 2013.

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