Latest updates on the upcoming China Charity Fair in Shenzhen

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  • Latest updates on the upcoming China Charity Fair in Shenzhen

According to the organizing committee, the upcoming fourth China Charity Fair (CCF) will place much emphasis on the topic of internationalization and global communication. For the first time, there will be an international public welfare exhibition section in the fair. Over 200 foreign guests and organizations including the United Nations as well as Chinese organizations who have ‘gone-out’ will gather in the exhibition center in Shenzhen from September 18 to 20.

Up to now, 93 international public welfare and charity organizations from 14 countries and regions in Asia, Europe, South and North America have confirmed their participation, bringing in cutting-edge thoughts and advanced organizational models. Philanthropists and representatives from foundations such as Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Rockefeller Foundation will also attend the fair to exchange ideas with Chinese counterparts. Another important aspect of the fourth CCF, according to HOU Yisha (the vice director of the Shenzhen Civil Affairs Bureau), is to demonstrate the growing internationalization of Chinese public welfare and charity organizations and the positive changes they have made in global community.

For more details, please check CCF’s official English website


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