Weekly News – March 22nd to April 4th, 2014

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  • Weekly News – March 22nd to April 4th, 2014

Do we really need corporate foundations?
By He Zhiquan 何智权 and Zou Li 邹力, The Enterprise Observer 企业观察报, March 22, 2014
In this article, the authors consider from different perspectives the real meaning of establishing corporate foundations, underlining how difficult it can be to maintain a balance between the interests of the company and the functions of its own charity foundation.

First results of the use of Weixin by NGOs: waste of time or efficient tool
Zhang Mulan 张木兰, China Philanthropy Times 公益时报, March 25, 2014
Should NGOs all have their own Weixin account? How does this affect their fundraising ability and which contents should be shared? Through a few insiders’ experiences, this article highlights the pros and cons of this new trend.

Yao Yao: from information disclosure to public access in the charity sector
By Yao Yao 姚遥, China Philanthropy Times 公益时报,   March 25, 2014
Yao Yao, from the One Foundation, shares his opinions on the need for charity organizations to improve their level of transparency. According to Yao Yao they should not only reveal their financial situation, but also give the public good access to this information.

Civic welfare organizations need to develop a more critical eye
NGOCN.com NGO发展交流网,March 26, 2014
NGOCN expands on a previous article against self-congratulatory attitudes in the public interest sector, arguing that stories about model volunteers and successful projects should not be used to detract attention from the issues.

Exclusive interview with Fang Yuyou, the CEO of Proya: Visible results are a must
By Wang Yong 王勇, China Philanthropy Times 公益时报 , March 26, 2014
The CEO of the Chinese skincare company Proya, Fang Yuyou, talks about the importance of achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment in Chinese workplaces, starting from the direct involvement of companies and the cooperation with NGOs.

Country’s first organ donor registry launched
By Wang Yong 王勇, China Philanthropy Times 公益时报, March 26, 2014
The product of a partnership between the National Health and Family Planning Commission, the Office of Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan Affairs, Rotary International District 3450, and the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen, the online registry allows donors to sign up and change their preferences at will.

Deng Fei: Charitable organizations must be as transparent as possible
By Luo Weiwei 罗薇薇, Xinhua—Nanjing Daily 新华网-南京日报, March 28, 2014
Deng Fei, who started the wildly successful “Free Lunch” program for rural schoolchildren, explains how his background as an investigative journalist informed his decision to approach the financial dealings of his organization with utmost transparency.

Only 1 out of 10 NGOs employ legal staff
By Liu Sunan 刘素楠, Feng Jun 冯军, and Zhou Zhi 周执, Southern Metropolis Daily 南方都市报, March 31, 2014
Three briefs from the Southern Metropolis Daily: a report released by a legal services center in Shanghai shows that only 10% of NGOs surveyed employ legal staff; a program to encourage exercise and healthy eating launches in Beijing; and artist Hong Guiming donates libraries to three elementary schools in Lijiang.

Guo Jianmei: The perseverance of the first generation of public interest lawyers
By Liu Qianqian 刘茜茜, China Philanthropy Times 公益时报  April 2, 2014
A profile of Guo Jianmei, who, inspired by the Fourth World Conference on Women, left her position at the Ministry of Justice to become a public interest lawyer focusing on women’s issues.

Ma Weihua: The public interest sector is unique
By Zhang Mulan 张木兰 and Liu Qianqian 刘茜茜,China Philanthropy Times 公益时报, April 3, 2014
An interview with Ma Weihua, the current chairman of the One Foundation and former president of the China Merchants Bank, talks about his transition from finance to the NGO sector and his work at the One Foundation.

Lock and Lock: Advocating taking leftovers home to promote “green restaurants”
乐扣乐扣:倡导餐后打包 共建“绿色饭店”
China Philanthropy Times 公益时报, April 3, 2014
Article describes Lock and Lock’s environmental sustainability projects in China since it entered the market in 2004, including partnering with restaurant chain Xiaonanguo (小南国餐厅) to prevent food waste and promoting the company’s reusable plastic containers.

Chen Jiajun: NGO and private enterprise partnerships should not be “one-night stands”
By Chen Jiajun 陈嘉俊, China Philanthropy Times 公益时报, April 3, 2014
In a world of “cause marketing” and superficial “corporate social responsibility”, Bike Guangzhou’s Chen Jiajun urges social organizations to carefully evaluate potential partners to ensure meaningful collaboration.

In Brief

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