Weekly Civil Society News,February 2 - February 8

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  • Weekly Civil Society News,February 2 - February 8

February 2 – February 8
List of 100 most generous people released
By Liu Zhihua, China Daily, February 1, 2013
The China Philanthropy Research Institute of Beijing Normal University released a list on Friday in Beijing of China's 100 most generous people in 2012.
Wenzhou community social organizations innovate democratic election pilot
By Wu Guangming 伍广明, Wenzhou News  温州都市报, February 2, 2013
A Wenzhou community holds elections for leadership of local social organizations.
Tragic fire raises stakes for factories
By Qiu Quanlin, China Daily, February 2, 2013
After an arson incident incited by a migrant worker owed wage arrears, factories have hustled to keep workers satisfied.
National Legal Public Interest Platform established
By Fu Yongkang符永康 China News Service 中新网, February 2, 2013
Through a hotline and an internet platform, lawyers will offer pro bono assistance to disadvantaged groups such as migrant workers.
Divorce granted in wife-beating "Crazy English" teacher case
Xinhua, February 3, 2013
A Beijing court on Sunday granted a divorce to American Kim Lee and Li Yang, the Chinese who won fame for his "Crazy English" language-learning method, on the grounds of domestic abuse.
Pollution victim seeks confirmation of Ministry of Environmental Protection's illegal behavior
By Xi Jianrong 郄建荣, Legal Daily 法制日报, February 4, 2013
Xie Yong, the plaintiff in a lawsuit concerning illness caused by the burning of trash, has appealed to the State Council's legal office, accusing the Ministry of Environmental Protection of illegally refusing to release information.
Guangdong county publicizes officials' incomes
By Zheng Caxiong, China Daily, February 4, 2013
Taiping township in Guangdong province recently began listing the salaries of 13 major township officials on a billboard, and after February 10, all major officials in the county will be required to report their salaries.
News Analysis: Rural land reforms to empower farmers
Xinhua, February 4, 2013
The government aims to complete rural land use-rights registration in five years and step up property rights protection for farmers' land use-rights, according to China's first policy document for 2013 released on Thursday.
NGOs call for lessening of tax burden
Southern Daily 南方日报, February 5, 2013
Southern Daily reports on NGOs burdensome tax responsibilities, which include a 25% income tax and  a 5.5% sales tax.
Opinion: Hukou system denies right to "die equal"
By Gui Tao, Xinhua, February 5, 2013
A decedent's status within the two-tiered "hukou" system, which is used to determine a given person's right to public services like education and housing based on where they are registered to live, also determines how much compensation will be paid by the government to the victim's family. Urban residents tend to secure much more money than rural residents.
What is the direction of media's public interest work?
By Ai Yiqing 艾已晴, Philanthropy Times 公益时报, February 5, 2013
Philanthropy Times looks at media involvement in public interest work.
Government prioritizes social organizations with rating of 3A and above for contracting
政府购买服务 3A以上社会组织优先
By Wu Runkai 吴润凯, Southern Metropolis Daily 南方都市报, February 5, 2013
In Huizhou, a Guangdong city that has enacted direct registration regulations, Civil Affairs Bureau evaluation is crucial step in qualifying for government procurement of services.
Interview with Guo Daohui: The key to the constitution is its implementation
By Wang Feng 王峰, 21 Century Business Herald 21世纪经济报道, February 5, 2013
Interview with legal expert concerning the implementation of the Chinese constitution.
Mother's labor camp suit to be heard
China Daily/Xinhua, February 6, 2013
Tang Hui, the mother sent to a Re-Education through Labor camp for protesting her daughter's rape, will present her case to the Yongzhou Intermediate People Court.
Foxconn union election described as revamp
Xinhua, February 6, 2013
Foxconn has reformed its unions in response to critiques of labor conditions in its factories.
In 2013, Shaanxi NGOs' new difficulties
By Kong Bin 孔斌 , Charity Forum 公益慈善论坛, February 6, 2013
Kong Bin, who wrote the Xi'an Civil Volunteer Public Benefit Organizations Report in 2010, notes the new challenges facing Shaanxi NGOs in 2013.
Province suspends forced labor camps
By An Baijie, China Daily, February 6, 2013
Yunnan announced that there will be no new entrants to the Re-Education Through Labor camps, although current detainees will see out their sentences.
Yunnan puts laojiao approvals on hold
By Cao Yin, China Daily, February 7, 2013
Yunnan has suspended approvals of laojiao (Re-Education Through Labor) decisions, as the unpopular system will be slowly phased out.
Thoughts on the 2013 Welfare Lottery: Awaiting an increase in public welfare funding
Philanthropy Times 公益时报, February 8, 20313
Philanthropy Times collects the “free thinking” of recipients of last year's welfare lottery public welfare funding to discuss their hopes for the future of the fund.
To promote urbanization in an orderly fashion, increase public services such as employment aid
有序推进农业转移人口市民化 提升就业质量均等公共服务
By Zong Xin 宗新, Eastern.net 东方网, February 8, 2013
Discusses some of the issues which will arise out of population migration to urban areas, and the importance of providing support for social welfare issues.

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