Jiangsu charities aim to grow through new agreement

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  • Jiangsu charities aim to grow through new agreement

The Wuxi Lingshan Charity Foundation and Jiangsu Charity Federation recently signed a memorandum of strategic cooperation. The agreement will strengthen collaboration and resource sharing between the organizations to promote innovation and growth in the charity sector.

The memorandum outlines several areas of cooperation:

First, improving and optimizing the Jiangsu Charity Internet platform. The two sides will develop an official website integrating project profiles, fundraising, special fund management and user services.

Second, Lingshan Charity Foundation will provide expert articles for a column in Jiangsu Charity magazine.

Third, both organizations will carry out one or two relief projects each year to aid disadvantaged groups in urgent need.

Lastly, they will work hand in hand to produce the Jiangsu Charity Blue Book. This annual report tracks, summarizes and reflects on charity work in Jiangsu Province over the past year. It serves as a “report card” on efforts by all sectors to participate in and promote charity.

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