Guangzhou Daily – Within 5 years, Guangdong will have 40,000 NGOs

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  • Guangzhou Daily – Within 5 years, Guangdong will have 40,000 NGOs

Within 5 years, there will be 40,000 registered NGOs in Guangdong

By Luo Hualin (罗桦琳 ), March 30, 2013, Guangzhou Daily (广州日报)

At a forum held by the Guangzhou Youth Palace, more than 200 individuals from 90 organizations in Guangzhou, Foshan, Hong Kong, and Fuzhou gathered to discuss social construction and social organization development. Due to the increased ease in registration, more than 5,000 social organizations have registered in Guangzhou, although they still face significant challenges in financial management and fundraising. At the event, organizers discussed the fact that while the number of registered social organizations is rapidly increasing, and is expected to reach 40,000 within 5 years, the field still lacks strong, well-developed organizations.

Summary by Amanda Brown-Inz. See Article for full text. (Chinese)

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