Government welcomes further development of NGOs

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  • Government welcomes further development of NGOs

The Ministry of Civil Affairs recently published an article reviewing the innovative development of Chinese NGOs during the past decade, and welcomed their further development.

The article states that NGOs have played an important role in consolidating the party’s ruling foundation, promoting economic development and stability, and have become an indispensable force in China’s modernization.

The author quotes a letter from President Xi Jinping read out at the first Silk Road NGO Cooperation Network Forum in November 2017, highlighting the central government’s expectations for the development of this sector.

A series of reforms aimed at optimizing NGO management have also taken place.

In August 2016, the name of the agency responsible for the management of NGOs under the Ministry of Civil Affairs was changed from the Administration of Civil Organizations to the Administration of Social Organizations.

In 2017, the former Social Work Department of the MCA merged with the Administration of Social Organizations.

In 2018, following reforms at the ministry, the responsibilities of the Administration of Social Organizations were further clarified, including the registration, supervision and management of social organizations, such as social groups, foundations, and social service agencies.

In addition, the central financial support and various national evaluation and rating activities have also continuously promoted the growth of NGOs over the past decade.

The article reviewed all the meetings of the Central Committee since the 18th National Congress of the CPC in 2013, pointing out that it is the government’s goal to establish an innovative modern society in which NGOs could help achieve social self-governance according to law.

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