Weekly Civil Society News,October 8 - October 12

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  • Weekly Civil Society News,October 8 - October 12

China calls for more attention to social development
Xinhua, October 9, 2012
China's Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Wang Min Monday called on the UN to give greater attention to social development under the current world situation.
Taobao war vet donation highlights charity transparency
Xinhua, October 9, 2012
Suggests that Taobao can serve as a useful medium for transparent fundraising.
Investigation Reveals: Newly Registered NGOs Face Major Issues Such As Tax Expenditure
南方日报, Southern Daily, October 9, 2012
Considers the challenges facing NGOs once they have registered, such as tax burdens and greater capacity pressures– references Sun Yatsen University Center on Philanthropy's recent “Investigative Report on Guangdong NGOs Registration Situation.” (Chinese)
Charity Supervision: The Institutionalizing Process Accelerates
中国经济时报 China Economic Times, October 10, 2012
Optimistic that the long-awaited Charity Law will be approved in the near future, China Economic Times looks at the legislative developments concerning non-profit institutions, particularly foundations, over the past couple of years. (Chinese)
Three Examples of Public Interest Organizations Caring for the Elderly
公益时报 Philanthropy Times, October 10, 2012
Looks at how NGOs provide care for the elderly in Beijing, in light of the increasing availability of government funding for these types of services.  (Chinese)
Fairer diagnoses demanded
Xinhua, October 11, 2012
Four people who claim to have been wrongly institutionalized have sent written pleas to hospitals and courts across China, demanding fairer diagnoses of mental diseases and greater scrutiny for patients' custodians.
Some Retirement Homes Seem to Have Become “Privileged” Institutions
By唐钧 Tan Jun, 新京报 Beijing News, October 12, 2012
Discusses how public retirement homes, seeking to compete with private retirement homes and to serve as “models” for adoption and scaling by the public system, have managed to significant amounts of government funding, and how these institutions have thus been able to justify increasingly selective standards for admittance, effectively barring the non-affluent from entrance. (Chinese)
200 Social Workers Sign Contracts with the Red Cross and the Communist Youth League Municipal Committee
By 徐晶晶 Xu Jingjing, 北京晨报 Beijing Morning Post, October 12, 2012
In accordance with a new government plan which contracts not services but positions in an organization, the Red Cross and the Communist Youth League Municipal Committee recently filled 200 new social worker posts. (Chinese)


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