Beijing News – Public service units invite social workers, hope govt will pay the bill

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  • Beijing News – Public service units invite social workers, hope govt will pay the bill

Public service units invite social workers with the hope that government will pay the bill
事业单位请社工 有望由政府买单

Beijing News (新京报), February 19, 20133

The Beijing Civil Affairs Bureau recently announced that it will fund 500 posts for professional social workers at Beijing social organizations and work units. The government, which is trying to promote the professionalization of public welfare workers, will assign qualified social workers to work at social organizations, community organizations, group organizations, and work units. The Civil Affairs Bureau is also experimenting with online methods for training social workers, and has signed an agreement with the Renmin University School of Continuing Education to arrange a scholarship quota of 100 social work degrees each year.

Summary by Amanda Brown-Inz. See Article for full text. (Chinese)

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