Project Introduction
C.S.R. LINK is a non- for profit organization which is established on the 27th Day of June, 2022,
which has vision to work and do research in the area of Education, Health , agriculture, food
security and assist CSR fund and activities in improvising in above sector.
Also, we have motive to provide education to orphanage who is under the poverty line scheme
with scholarship and also in the establishment of school in remote areas of Nepal. Along with
that we believe in assisting and helping old disabled people and children who are mentally
disturbed with proper guidance of medical person in community hospital, homage, hospitals and
respective organization.
We are working to provide training on minimization of poverty line and uplift the standard of
living through creating platform to increase their source of income through social business
To provide priority based service link to CSR all over Nepal
- CSR based activities
- Coverage sector of priority bases Such as Education, Health, Waste management, Relief
during disasters, training on social innovation hub and many more areas.
- Consultation activities to national and international activities related to CSR
- It is found to fight child slavery, child labor, and child poverty. Within this project the
rescued children of child labor/ slavery / extreme poverty are provided an education in
college studies /vocational training in psychological counseling, journalism, social work,
medical and education sectors. This way, rescued children can play a role in fighting the
circle of hopelessness and empower themselves and other.
b) Project Background: Project resides in 5 different districts of seven provinces and
head office resides in Jwagal-10, Kupondole, and Lalitpur in Nepal. In this project, the
children and people are from the different districts in need. In this project, children /
people are orphan, single parents, poor and helpless from Dalit, Brahamin, Chhetri and
Janajati. In this case, those children who are in need, the basic function of the project is to
provide the shelter, food, basic health care, clothing and school education. Conducting
counseling session for the participants, identify their difficulties / problems and address
them. Selecting the courses as per interest and qualifications. Enroll them is selected
courses. Arranging all the necessary materials (school clothes, books) for the classes.
The single mothers/ unemployed youths from the different parts of Nepal will be given
stitching training, agriculture training, bakery training, painting training and cook
c) Feasibility Study / Base line Survey:
As per our survey, we found 500 students for scholarship for 5 different districts of 7
provinces will be suitable as pilot project for 5 years.
d) Problems identified in the Project area: Nepal as a poor country in the world 40%
of the population lives under the poverty lines as the ultra-poor. . In this respect, because
of this factor, we aimed to provide scholarship for 500 students for scholarship and
develop entrepreurship scholarships.
e) Target Group Selection Criteria: The children will be selected from the parentless
family, working in the hotel / household’s works, single parents, and extreme poverty.
The children will be in the age of school going. For this, we have networking the
governmental agencies and NGO who are working in the children sector. After selection,
there is agreement between guardian and organization authority.
f) Policy and program of federal / Province and Local Government:
The constitution has made the rights of the children a fundamental right and
guaranteed their holistic development by covering topics like child safety and
protection, child development and participation.
As per the commitments made by Nepal in the United Nations Convention on
Rights of the Child,1989, and other international treaties and optional protocols
on child rights , the Government of Nepal has been formulating laws and policies
about child rights and enacting them.
The Sustainable Development Goals include the quantitative goals like quality
education and health of children , access to safe , inclusive , green and public
places and empowering women by ending all kinds of discrimination , exploration
, abuse and violence. Therefore, there is a need to address this subject
Child rights will be guaranteed as per Nepal’s international obligations. A child-
friendly society will be built by ending all kinds of physical and psychological
violence, discrimination, abuse, exploitation and neglect children and adolescents.
To develop early childhood development and education programed as an integral
part of school education and make it compulsory for all children.
To protect and promote the rights of children and adolescents.
To create children – and adolescents friendly environment.
To develop children and adolescents as qualified and capable citizens of the
country by protecting and promoting their rights and freeing them from all kinds
of violence, abuse and exploitation.
To make necessary provisions by the state for ending child labor.
To create a child- friendly environment by constructing child accessible
To create an environment allowing children to participate in social life through
various channels.
To carry out the protection and promotion of the helpless, orphan, physically
disabled and abandoned children by the state.
To make the lives of children and adolescents secure by ending all forms of
violence against them.
7. Project Objectives :-
The project objectives area as follows:
1) Physical care: Food, clothing, sports and health care.
2) Emotional care: A child needs consistent, unconditional love combined with firm
kind discipline. It is crucial to understand the importance of early attachments on
the emotional and psychological well- being of a child, a child needs a safe secure
attachments to at least one caregiver / parents from which he/ she can explore the
world and learn trust.
3) Education: A child needs to learn in order to reach his or her potential and
become an effective member of society. Schooling is necessary but stimulation
and encouragement at home is also very important.
4) Identification care: Every child needs a positive sense of identity and self-worth.
This should include a sense of ethnic identify. Who am I? What is my worth?
Where to I belong? These are questions young people need to be able to answer
for themselves.
5) A sense belonging and permanency: There are every child right needs in order
to feel safe and secure. Children need to feel that, they are a member of a family
to which they will always belong.
6) Protection from exploitation and abuse: There is every child right and should
be provided by the adults in a child life but, sadly, it is very often lacking.
7) Capacity development: Capacity development is orphan and destitute and
sensitization program for civil society.
8) Activities to be carried out under Project / Program):
Provide education at private / state run school till higher level
Provide vocational and other skills training
Provide food, clothes and stationary for orphan, poor and marginalized
Organize recreation tour including rural areas to introduce lives of local
Provide the scholarship to needy students for their schooling including
Organize discussion program and capacity development training for
parents / guardian to make aware of child labor and rights of children
Advocating for the implementation of a social security scheme to protect
orphan, poor and destitute children rights.
Conducting awareness program
Conducting the workshops to create entrepreneurship after education
Conducting the workshops to create entrepreneurship for unemployed
Youngsters in the society.
8. Calendar of operation :
9. Project Implementation Process / Methodology:
The Project will be implemented by adopting following important strategies.
Selection of children: The children will be selected from the parentless family,
working in the hotel/ household works, single parents and extreme poverty.
The children will be in the age of school going. For this, we have the
networking the governmental agencies and NGOs who are working on
children sector. After selection, there is agreement between guardian and
organization authority.
Provide scholarship to 500 students. The children who are intellectual and
laborious, they will get scholarship in yearly to 500 students in their own
schools and location from Madhesh province, Bagmati Province, Koshi
province, Sudurpashchim province and karnali province.
School fee and school Material supports: Along with fooding, the school fees
will be paid and they are given the necessary school dresses, textbooks and
Library and Extracurricular Activities: For the educational development of
children, a small scale library will be established having 1000 books related to
children and teachers. Along with library, the children will have the
extracurricular activities for the overall development of them, outdoor and
indoor games, quiz content, speech competition, drawing competition, poem
competition and story writing.
Appointment staffs: For the overall management of the project, a team of 30
people will be hired to run scholarship for the period of 5 years
The Project is mainly focused at the national level and so the responsibility of the
overall project management is with the C.S.R Link central office. However for the
welfare and educational development of orphan and destitute children at district
level will be mobilized and will be given the responsibility to coordinate with the
concerned stakeholder.
10. Target group, no of beneficiaries and project target with Log frame:
The main target of this project will be children, who are from parentless family,
working in the household works, hotels, public buses, garment factories, single
parents and parentless, helpless and extreme poverty families. And also talented,
laborious and needy student who need scholarship for better education to build up
their good future and around 500 scholarships will be provided.
11. Expected Outcome/ Result:
Total around 500 children will get scholarship for education with school fees,
stationary, transportation, uniforms, stipends.
They will get training on entrepreneurship after completion of the study.
The responsibilities of the government agencies, institutions, parents and guardians towards the