To develop rehabilitation services for people with disabilities through education and training programmes,
cultivating the graduates as trainers and consultants, and developing resource and mutual support networks.
The Hong Kong Society is designed as a World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Rehabilitation since 1986 in the Western Pacific Region.Our Vision is to establish caring and inclusive communities; where all people can go to school or work, participate in family and community activities, without discrimination or prejudice.
With our limited resources, we focus on (1) organize training programmes; (2) cultivate the graduates as teachers; (3) set up resource centres and mutual support networks and (4) share Hong Kong expertise and experience. We also have done a lot of consultation work recently for Hong Kong, overseas and Mainland NGOs and developed on-line training programmes.
We do not receive any financial support for the Collaborating Centre from WHO, but raise our funds from Hong Kong and overseas funding agencies and individuals.
Contact Details
Ms. Mandy Lau, Senior Manager
+852 2534 3425
Room 16, 1/F, HKSR Lam Tin Complex, 7 Rehab Path, Kowloon, Hong Kong