The EcoLinx Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, formed with the specific purpose of assisting China’s transition to a more sustainable environmental and energy future. This will be achieved through:
– Facilitating capacity building efforts in implementing environmental impact assessment/public participation and energy efficiency laws at local and provincial levels
– Encouraging investment in renewable and energy efficient projects, clean energy technology development, energy conservation, and other efforts toward a low-carbon development path
– Promoting the use of emission reduction/carbon credits and other market mechanisms especially for afforestation and reforestation projects that both sequester carbon and help restore biological diversity in threatened ecosystems
– Fostering environmental education to create a greater awareness of the state of the environment, especially relating to climate change and biodiversity loss, and the sustainable use of our finite resources
The ultimate goal of the EcoLinx Foundation is to help host countries solve their environmental challenges for themselves by emphasizing the use of renewable sources and a low-carbon development path.