In a world disrupted by multiple crises, Agora works closely with like-minded partners to advance China’s clean energy transition agenda and foster international cooperation on pressing energy and climate issues. The challenges are significant, but so are the opportunities to impactful contributions. To further strengthen our team, we are seeking to hire a Beijing-based Research Associate China Regional Transition at the earliest possible start date.
Office location | 办公地点
Chaoyang District, Beijing / full-time
北京市朝阳区 / 全职
Job overview | 职位概述
Responsibility | 主要职责:
What we offer | 我们提供:
What we are looking for | 我们希望您:
How to apply | 如何申请:
Please apply by sending your application package to Mr. Li at
Please include
For reasons of objectivity, we kindly ask you not to include any portrait (personal photo) in your application package.
Finally, in the subject line of the application email, please clearly indicate both your full name (Chinese name and English name if you have one) and the specific position you are applying for.
English language skills will be tested during the interview process. Interested candidates are encouraged to submit the application package at your earliest convenience by February 16 2025. Should you have any questions, please contact us at the above email address.
To download the job description, please use this link:
Please let us know in the email that the source of the information is the China Development Brief.