Humana People to People (HPP) came to China in 2005 when the organization began working in Yunnan province. HPP is a larger federation of NGOs based in Switzerland. HPP China's primary work focuses on poverty alleviation and promoting sustainability. Their mission is to promote solidarity between people, to promote development in impoverished communities through the implementation of projects that aim to transfer knowledge, and to promote a better life for the most underprivileged and needy. HPP China hopes to bridge the four major gaps in Chinese society - urban/rural, East/West, rich/poor, and men/women.
The organization works in Sichuan, Hubei, Chongqing and Yunnan. Its programs work in four different sectors:
Agriculture and Environment: Farmers' Club Projects - exploring sustainable agricultural practices with farming communities to build skills, improve production, change income generation patterns, and address the impacts of climate change, water resource management and soil health.
Rural Development: Community Development Projects - help the poor to improve village livelihood, health, and education facilities.
Education Projects: Preschools of the Future Projects - help to establish preschool programs in rural communities with the aim of breaking the cycle of poverty.
Health: Total Control of the Epidemic Projects - a health project specifically targeting the prevention and treatment of HIV, Tuberculosis, and Malaria.
In 2018, HPP China representative Michael Hermann was awarded the "Top Ten Public Welfare Actors and Movers Award".
Contact Details
Yunnan Province, Kunming City, PanLong Qu, ChuanJin Lu #349 ZhongChanFengShang XiaoQu 6 Chuang 4 Danyuan 201 Shi