Fight with misunderstanding against dyslexia and provide professional service for dyslexia people
Integrating the essence of international dyslexia services and using simplified Chinese, we want to provide professional support and special education to people with dyslexia.
Major Projects
2012: Project “Dyslexia Support Plan” funded by the Shenzhen Welfare Lottery Philanthropy
2014: Our project is funded by the Guangdong Peiyu Development Foundation
2015 Project “Happy Education – Support Children With Dyslexia plan” funded by the Futian Community Building Special Funding
2015: Project “Care about children with Dyslexia” is funded by Tencent Happy Donation funding.
Major Achievements
2012 “Simplified Chinese Advancement” project received silver prize in the First Chinese Philanthropic Project Contest (Creativity Category)
2013 We received the Best Innovation prize at the Shenzhen Young People Social Group Philanthropic Project Contest and Futian Volunteer Yearly Innovation Prize.
Major Funders
Crowd funding
Major Partners
Dyslexia Association of Singapore
We are the first non-profit organization that work on professional dyslexia support in southern China.
Contact Details
Liang Yueyi
+86 755 83066347
Floor 1, Building 1, Fulian Building, 1 Lianhua North Yutian Road, Futian, Shenzhen, China, 518035