Nearly $1.5 billion raised online for charity in 2021, data shows

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  • Nearly $1.5 billion raised online for charity in 2021, data shows

Nearly 10 billion yuan ($1.5 billion) was raised online in 2021, an increase of 18 percent from 2020, according to annual data released during the China Internet Philanthropy Summit held online on May 20.

Internet donations increased from 2.5 billion yuan in 2017 to nearly 10 billion yuan. For three years in a row, more than 10 billion individual donations in China have been made (financial or otherwise).

Following the advocacy of “digital co-construction” in the industry last year, the theme of this year’s summit, “Digital has new benefits”, focuses more on the sharing and exchange of digital achievements in the charity sector.

A total of 104 participants from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Academy of Social Sciences, the United Nations, global technology companies and top universities held cross-industry dialogues on the topic of charity digitalization. More than 2,000 charitable organizations across the country participated in the agenda setting of the summit, and over 1 million people around the world participated online.

In addition to the multi-dimensional themed forums, the summit uploaded nearly 100 high-tech charity projects to the cloud to set up a special high-tech charity “cloud exhibition hall”. The 100 projects from over 50 NGOs, other charitable organizations, universities, scientific research institutions and technology companies were displayed on a large scale for the first time.

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