China Daily – $32,000 offer for 20-minute river swim

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  • China Daily – $32,000 offer for 20-minute river swim

$32,000 offer for 20-minute river swim

By Shi Yingying, China Daily, February 19, 2013

Zhejiang businessman Jin Zengmin offered RMB 200,000 for any Chinese environmental protection bureau official who was willing to swim in a polluted local river for more than 20 minutes. Jin pointed out that there are 1,000 rubber shoe manufacturing plants in the Rui’an neighborhood, some of whom release waste directly into the river. After examining the river, Rui’an Environmental Protection Bureau official Chen Renfu responded that the river was polluted with household waste, rather than industrial contaminants.

Summary by Amanda Brown-Inz. See Article for full text.

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