Survey on the Needs and Challenges of Public Welfare Organisations Under COVID-19 Epidemic Conditions

Survey on the Needs and Challenges of Public Welfare Organisations Under COVID-19 Epidemic Conditions

In March 2020, China Development Brief (CDB) along with another 14 public welfare organisations conducted an online survey to understand what negative effects the COVID-19 pandemic brought to public welfare organisations in China and what long-term effects it will have on these organistaions in the post-pandemic era. A year later, with the pandemic still a threat to global development and security, CDB has contended the difficulties faced by public welfare organisations and their demands may have changed. In order to grasp a better understanding of the picture, CDB decided to conduct another survey in March 2021. Different from the previous survey, this year the questions primarily focus on difficulties and demands in funding, instead of more general programme and team management issues.

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