The One Foundation’s first 72 hours in Nepal

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  • The One Foundation’s first 72 hours in Nepal

The first 72 hours are the most critical in earthquake relief. The One Foundation were well aware of that and had sent 3 rescue teams to Nepal, and 4 to Tibet within 72 hours after a deadly earthquake struck the Himalayas region. By April 28th there were already 26 people from the foundation working on the frontline of earthquake relief in Nepal and Tibet.

As of April 28th, the foundation had raised more than 11.22 million yuan for the relief work in Nepal and Tibet, of which 2.55 millon were from businesses and other groups and 8.67 million were from the public. The Tencent Foundation and Dunhe Foundation were among the groups that had contributed the most, and money from the public were raised mainly through online platforms such as Tencent Gongyi and Alipay Gongyi. Many groups also contributed to the relief work in the form of providing material supplies. The One Foundation has been working with China Eastern Airlines to transport relief materials and supplies to the earthquake-stricken areas.

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