CDB’s Bilingual Dictionary

The rapid development of China’s Third Sector combined with the globalization of the philanthropy and development fields has led to increased exchange and collaboration between Chinese Third Sector organizations and their international counterparts. The increased exchange however has highlighted the need to overcome the linguistic and cultural barriers and establish a set of commonly understood terms that can form the basis for mutual understanding and knowledge sharing on both sides.

The Bilingual Dictionary of Development and Philanthropy, compiled by China Development Brief, is a tool developed precisely in response to such a need. The first edition of the Dictionary includes over 3000 bilingual entries of key terms in the fields of philanthropy and development. The Dictionary is the first attempt to define and refine relevant terminology in the appropriate cultural/value system and linguistic contexts. It is our hope that our Dictionary will serve as a useful tool for practitioners, researchers and communicators in the field of philanthropy and development and promote the exchange and cooperation between China and the rest of the world.

To purchase the Dictionary

The CDB bilingual dictionary is available in a digital eBook format (.epub or .pdf) and as a printed paper copy.

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